Bip is the noise one makes when he hits homeless people on the side of the road with a tennis racquet as he or she drives by. It also can be used as a verb meaning the act of hitting a homeless person on the side of the road with a tennis racquet.
"Hey look at that homeless dude on the the side of the road!" I said as I made my approach. "Bip!... Yeeaahh booyyee i just bipped him!"
by Bubba"Skoal" Johnson March 11, 2008
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Bipping is perfectly exampled in the above section, but there are many examples of the word bipping, as a self bipping may often occour. For instance when you accidently bip yourself and someone will most deffinatly say, "OR YOU JUST BIPPED YOURSELF THERE"
For example Ghostly (ONE OF THE CREATORS OF THIS CULT PHENOMEONON) often bips himself when he looks in the mirror! hehehehe
by WOOOOOO MANNNNNNNNNN September 15, 2004
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a mosquito bite located right on your nipple
ridiculously strange feeling and a good subject for conversation
"so last nite i was talking about my bip to this fine peice of ass"
by Xndr August 9, 2006
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The little droplets of cum juice that come out before you really nut. Usually people will say they have "bip come out of their tip" glistening, sHinY.
Dude: Fuck, man, I hope Amber isn't preggers! everytime I'd pull out I had bip on my tip.

by Mazapan August 5, 2006
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This word can mean a lot of things. One definition for bipped is when you're sold fake or bad drugs. If you're a crackhead, and you pay ten dollars for a rock, but it turns out to be walnut meat cut up to look like crack, then you got bipped.
"Say, homey, did you get our crack?"
"Yeah, but when I put it in the pipe, it just burned up. I think we got bipped."
by warmitt August 19, 2008
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Ball in Pocket. When a shitty golfer constantly let's his partner down by taking multiple shanks, chunked shots and topped shots to get anywhere close to the green. He finally realizes everyone else is on the green in two and he is hitting 8 that he can't contribute and picks up his ball and puts it in his pocket.
That Victor guy is a BIP! I felt bad for his partner. He had no help
by OneManTeamMCC June 19, 2017
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