An attractive stupid woman usually brunette who dyes her hair blonde or just keeps it black and does not know how to speak or act . Offers herself easily to men and is way in over her head!
Kim Kardashian: Check me out guys i am goind to be the most popularrrrr !!! Hahahahahheheheheh . I am a good girl i have only slept with hundreads of guys i mean that is like normal, riiighhhttt?
Chris: You are such a bimbo!

Kim: hahha thank youuu!!!
by Europe123 July 8, 2017
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you can use this word when someone isn't paying attention to you, when they should <333

Person talking about smth they like: Ey u fatass bimbo listen to me
Other person: ok dumbo im listening
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A bimbo is a pretty and kinda stupid girl, gay, or they. They are radical leftists. They step on trump supporters and are pro lgbtq+, pro sex-work, pro Black Lives Matter, pro choice, and are always there d’or their girls, gays, and theys. They look good for themselves rather than the male gaze. (Gen Z Bimbo)
Omg I’m such a bimbo
by Artsypanda08 December 11, 2020
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A stupid bitch that likes to mess with peoples feelings. And be complicated. And never sees when she does something wrong.
Omg she is such a bimbo.
by Sherill Brooklyn November 22, 2019
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A frivolous trumpet player whose best trait is making phony door slips and has a peculiar incapability of renting minivans. This person also is completely sleep deprived and often falls asleep amidst the height of social gatherings. He is also an absolute food slut and will do anything needed to acquire food; a glutton.
'Hey have you seen a bimbo around these parts?'

'Yeah, that bimbo is in the stolen concert hall which he acquired through a phony door slip; he is viciously consuming the food that the bimbress bought after he just woke from his nap and food spontaneously appeared before his head.'
by Hermantown April 18, 2019
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A mischievous cartoon dog made from Fleisher Studios. He is featured the cartoon “Swing you Sinners!” From Fleisher Studios.
Bimbo is so cunning and mischievous!
by FNAFDude June 14, 2018
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