
Hey, dude! i can see smth on the beach!
by axellis June 9, 2006
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abbreviation for 'something'.
When chatting with someone,this and many other abbreviations -such as btw(by the way),srsly(seriously),ty(thank you),brb(be right back),j/k(just kidding),etc...- may help your conversation preceed faster!
A:'btw,is there smth I can do 4 u?'
B:'Oh,ty!would u lend me 10000$?'
by °araik° February 11, 2008
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Smth, an internet contraction for the word something.
I'm going to sleep or smth.

I've got to do smth about my b0x
by Demios March 22, 2004
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Im bout to watch a vid rq don’t send me smth
by Haitian._ November 27, 2022
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A shorter way of spelling "something"
"Ima go get smth real quick brb"
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Acronym for Shake My Tinfoil Hat, to be used as an alternative for SMH (Shake My Head) for conspiracy theorists.
Person A: You don’t actually believe that birds are real do you?

Person B: Of course they are!

Person A: SMTH
by Birdsarentreal June 23, 2019
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wanna play smth?

wanna play smth is another way of asking to play
Person 1: wanna play smth?
Person 2: sure. *shits aggressive*
by Le Maxie Pizza Men July 31, 2022
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