Someone who beats their keyboard in frustration when they lose at a videogame, either due to poor teammates or the sad fact they just suck. Typically sticks to beige OEM keyboards as they're the cheaapest, and cycles keyboards every two months.
Keyboard bashers are a common sight at LAN parties.

Devil 2 U: Come on guys! GET A FLAG!
***Devil 2 U was killed by KFC's artillery.
Devil 2 U: AAARRGHH!! (bashes keyboard repeatedly)
by Androktasie November 3, 2005
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A bible basher is one who lives their life by the bible, and tries to force the bible upon all they meet.
Most americans are bible bashers, especially the president.
by Nick1111 January 26, 2008
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1. Someone who randomly or vigorously presses or 'bashes' buttons, especially those of video game controllers. See: button-bashing.

2. A video game where the gameplay descends into the mindless random, or repeated, pressing of a button or buttons. See: button-bashing.

3. A fighting (video) game, such as Virtua Fighter, Soulcalibur or Tekken, etc.
"I'm not playing Tekken with you because it's just a mindless button-basher. Plus, you're gay."
by Goatlips July 12, 2008
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a person that runs and jumps into someone using their belly
run into someone and hit them with your belly
by grant norton March 16, 2005
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A snitch crew located in Birmingham. Their rival gang is the TCV's. The owner, who will remain unamed for security reasons, is the biggest snitch out of all of the wankstas there
TCV: Stop snitchin'
A bizzle basher goes straight to the police and starts snitchin'
by Baller4Real March 7, 2007
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A bicycle of a certain style usually made pre-1990, with thin wheels and a thin frame. They are usually found or stolen rather than bought and are often a mismatch of numerous bikes to create the optimum level of comfort and speed. Most are now found through hard-rubbish collection or at dumps and ridden by young folk.
"You should see the granny basher I picked up yesterday, it is heaps good"

"Fuck dude, you really have to stop thrashing that granny basher so hard, hard-rubbish isnt until October"
by samueljay October 27, 2008
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A weapon used for bashing boongas. Often a hockey stick, fence post, piece of driftwood, lead pipe, or crowbar.
"I carry a Boonga Basher to bash the boongas when they come to bash me."
by ElyseesDanielleMichelleJudson December 3, 2008
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