Small wiener pieces added to beans in military food.
What's for chow today? Oh, man, not beans and baby dicks again!
by Brian Anderson September 27, 2006
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A seriously misleading syndrome. A man who seemingly has an extremely small penis will surprise even the sluttiest college girls when they get hard. Don't be disappointed if your guy seems like he has a small one, because he may just surprise you with a anaconda that would put even the most well-endowed porn super-star to shame.
Woman One: "Damn girl, I can't believe you say Tyrone had a big cock. He was so small! I ran out of that room so fast!"

Woman Two: "No, girl! He has Baby Dick Syndrome! He's HUGE when he's hard."

Woman One: "Dammit..."
by DanizzleFoShizzle July 19, 2011
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When a male individual has a severely acute penis, one resembling that of an infant's.
When Corey received a call from the doctor, he was not overly surprised to hear that he had been diagnosed with BDS (Baby Dick Syndrome).
by Babydickface November 18, 2010
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a person that have a baby dick ;little;shmeat
Shut the fuck up baby dick ass nigga
by Define man CJ November 29, 2018
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