Avi is an endearing nickname for a person with Avesa-like qualities. A term typically used by close friends and families to be priveledged to have an Avesa in their life.
You have amazing music taste, are you an Avi?
by Booooooo April 23, 2005
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Abbreviation for Arabic Violence Institute.
An extremist arabic, strictly muslim association linked to many terrorist attacks through out the world.

We just got bombed by AVI!!!
by FBI_54321 July 11, 2008
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Also known as the Vulva, "Avi" is the opening to the female vagina.
The word Avi is commonly mistaken for a young boy who is confused about his gender and enjoys long hottubs with his lover/friends who over-wear rasta and enjoy occasional anal.
hey look its avi !
You mean vagina ?
yeah thats what i said...
by keeptryinbud May 30, 2011
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1) to nerd-out and/or troll unsespecting victims

2) to obtain the capability to open thermos' with wild raging strenght

3) Verb: to consistantly 4chan

4) to make hilarious ostrich sounds when he/she assumes nobody is watching

1) Avi- here Amy, have this cupcake.. it's not poisonous whatsoever

Amy- :D THANKKSS Avi! *eats*..:)......:|......O.e

2) Josh- zomg this asian thermos won't open! here Avi, try it


Josh-....O.o wow, that was fast..


Avi- ...:D
by Amira the great September 24, 2010
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An egotistical retard who thinks he is good at Overwatch and will make fun of you for spelling something wrong.
That weo is such and avi, and I think careb agrees
by Weo-wetted November 25, 2019
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A hot sexy big booty big tits pink pussy girl with long black hair and a baddie
by Avianis May 1, 2021
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