A computer that geeks buy to seperate themselves further from society
d00d I just bought this l33t Apple yesterday! It's fuckin' 0V3RC10CK4D
by Anonymous July 4, 2003
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A wonderful company that sells amazing products like Macs, iPods, and software. Products sold from Apple Computers are almost always stunning, fast, powerful, and rarely crash or cause other problems. Apple's main product, the Macintosh computer, is argueably the best computer in the world (specifically the G5). It runs on OS X, but is highly compatable, too. It is also equipped with a UNIX core, accessable through the Terminal. Basically it totally kicks microsoft's pathetic butt.
Jennifer- I bought a brand new iMac G5 and iPod Photo at Apple Computers, and i still cant get over how well they work!
Joe- oh really? i just bought a new PC at some dumb PC retailer and it really..... uhm.... sucks. yea.... it crashes alot and likes displaying the blue screen of death...
by PitchBlackPony November 28, 2004
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A computer that is made by Apple INC.
I bought a 17" Powerbook, its fuckin sweet. also: !x86 = good. The intel arch has had ugly hack after hack applied to it. WHich is why ELF is so difficult on x86. macppc is a nice clean arch.
by Nicholas July 7, 2003
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Very nice PC's Free of all wordmicrosoft/word spyware :)
l4mer: Hey i just got windows IBSO (Im being spied on) its great!!
Apple user: Dumb l4mer
by DMK July 3, 2003
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A computer that never crashes, and is now UNIX-based. They look good, are easy to use, and are fun. You can be more productive with an Apple Computer. Apple Computers last much longer than PCs.
My Apple Computer is six years old, cost me $1000 new, but is faster than my one-month old Windows PC. It even runs OS X and burns DVDs!
by Carl Smith July 29, 2005
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1) An instrument of pure enjoyment, see pleasure, sex
2) The most advanced computer out there. Unix based (therefore fast), rock solid and outrageously attractive
3) An infinite source of envy for the poor "IBM compatible" users who see in it some sort of devil.
Most of them continue to deny Apple powa and instead of admitting their mistake, continue to drop stupid jokes by conformism and fear.
Some of them even make superiority complexes because of the 1-button mouse that equips all Apple joy machines.
My dear, please stop these cries of love when you are working on your apple computer.
by cork July 7, 2003
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