normally a shy girl, but once you get to know them they are totally crazy and sweet. usually very pretty, has a small friend group but cares about her main people more then anything else in the world. an Angie isn’t single for too long so hop on quick. Angie also loves food a ometimes an angie can be selfish & lowkey crazy but she’s totally worth having around so do not take her for granted.
yo that girl Angie is crazy but i love it
by doragirlypop June 20, 2019
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Angie's are awesome but they tend to choose terrible boyfriends.
I can't believe Angie is going out with Nathan.
by DriftySwifty September 10, 2020
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A very cute person. Always getting in trouble. And is one of the reslest friends you will ever meet
Angie is cute!
by Kole/Kole October 7, 2019
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It's self explanatory
Person 1: who is she?
Person 2: She's angie
Person 1: yeah but who is angie?
Angie: *awesomely flips hair cz she a boss duh* Its self explanatory
by Withloveyaane November 30, 2020
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Angie is a beautiful girl, who values the meaning of love. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends and she would do anything for the ones she loves. She can be very tough and stubborn sometimes but she never gives up on her dreams. Sometimes she loses herself but she knows she’s unique. She appreciates the little things in life. She loves to listen to music, she loves animals and nature. She’s in love with the idea of having true love in her life. Mental heathy and self love is very important to her. She’s an independent woman and such an amazing human being. You’re lucky to have her in your life, never forget about her. She’s the most beautiful person you will ever meet in your life. Take care of her.
Angie is Kawaii

Angie is the Earth’s heart.
by Blue as the sea November 23, 2021
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Angie’s are rare. They’re funny and incredibly random. Angies are quiet, but once you get them talking there’s no stopping them. They usually have long dark hair and brown eyes. They are really private and keep things to themselves, as they’re always requiring alone time. They say they don’t have any crushes, but secretly they do. Don’t ever stop talking to an Angie, because once you fall out of her life, she’s gone forever and there’s no getting her back.
Who’s that girl? She’s got a bad ass vibe.
That’s Angie, be careful.
by YesacOj November 24, 2021
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Angie is the kindest person you'll ever meet. They're very open and kind while remaining secretive and discreet at the same time. They're always sure to bring a smile to your face as they brighten up the room with their smile. Even though they might look shy at first, that couldn't be farther from the case. cheese.
"Cheese," said Angie.
by gayswans December 13, 2021
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