Bull shit and a complete waste of time. The ultimate social tool; convincing people that there is someone constantly watching them and they will be punished for everything in the end. Provides a guideline for life for people who can't think for themselves. Provides a precise moral handbook (yes, it literally is a book- because all the lessons that life has to offer can be condensed into book), for people who think life is just easier when there is a clear-cut right and wrong. Brainwashes people. Gives people an excuse to avert their eyes from reality. Allows people to justify anything in the world under the guise of righteousness. Helps people who can't handle the truth get through the day. A massive lie that people waste their entire lives on. Responsible for destroying countless cultures and killing millions of people. Now remember, Jesus saves...
Religion is holding everyone back.
by Evil Nemo July 18, 2004
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Something that people need to understand. Seriously. Religion is a faith that people have, whether it be a person, a object, or for fuck's sake, even a damn plant! People don't seem to realize that no matter what kind of Religion we have, we need to learn to accept each other. The Westboro Baptist Church and Scientology are exceptions. Hate on them as much as you want. Scientology sucks ass because you have to pay for elightenment. And the Westboro Baptist Church are just dickwads for bashing on gays, which is a sin to their own religion! People who say that "OMFGZZZZ CHRISTIAN'S DAMN ANYONE WHO HAZZ SEX TO HELL!!!!11111ONEONE1111!!!" Grow a fucking boner. Do you even know the saying "Love the sinner, Hate The Sin?". Hell, I'm an atheist, yet I respect Christians, Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, Satanists, Everything! ...Except for Scientology...And Westboro Baptist that go to the Westboro Baptist Church...
Examples Of Religion:

*Asshole Christian*

George: I'm a Christian.
Mark: I'm a Athiest.

*Asshole Atheist*

George: I'm a Christian.
Mark: I'm a Athie- Wait, Your a Christian?
George: Yes.
Mark: Don't you know that there is no such thing as god?

*How it should really go*

George: I'm a Christian
Mark: I'm a Atheist.
George: Wanna' be friends?
Mark: Sure. I'll buy you a cold one.
by A Guy Named Chris September 4, 2008
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The complete faliure to take responsibility for your own actions, and accept that the position you are in with your life (in most cases) is a direct effect of your actions and your words leaving only you with the power to change it. When we lived in caves we thought spirits made us ill and the moon was made of cheese, for those religious amoung you not much seems to have advanced according to your way of thinking.
Any war, suffering or discrimination you care to think of.
"I was all messed up on drugs, 'till I found the Lord. Now, I'm all messed up on the Lord" - Cheech & Chong
by The Flapsdaddy June 14, 2004
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A form of insanity, such as schizophrenia.
"Once we can look at religion objectively and impartially, it becomes entirely obvious that religion has all the characteristics of a form of insanity. To one degree or another the religious mind must accept, and believe in, another world; a supernatural or unnatural world, a world filled with all sorts of imaginary beings called gods, devils, angels, saints, demons, etc. These imaginary creatures are talked to, asked for favors, guidance, "signs", or miracles, and then blamed or thanked for natural events that follow. Except for the cloak of religion, such beliefs and actions would otherwise cause an individual to be judged insane, and committed to an institution for treatment." -Emmet F. Fields
by tom September 28, 2004
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A set of beliefs, usually including a moral code and an outline of some sort of deity. Not a mental disease, and not the only possible source of everything that is wrong with the world.

Whether or not any of the world religions are "true" remains to be seen.
Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Wicca, Zoroastrianism, and Sikhism are all religions. All of them have very different beliefs.
by Chihaya55 August 29, 2011
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Look at some of the highest rated definitions of religion.
by Spid22 January 23, 2011
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Any group that worships, well, anything. (God,Ganeshe, Yahewa, Golden Calf, Satan, Bill Gates, The Beatles, etc...)

Oh, and for MANY of the above posts...

Buddhism is a philosophy, and historically, unless I'm extremely uneducated, hasn't caused any harm. It's a nonviolent group. Oh, and for those who DO consider it a religion... well, you're obviously grossly uneducated in buddhism, and should probably read up on it before judging it.

For some reason, I get the impression that none of the religion-smashers here have even read any religious texts, instead choosing to be atheist because it's trendy instead observing all the evidence and making a philosophical choice.
Majority of Above Posters: Religion sucks! Down with Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc...!

Me: *walks up, draws a Hitler moustache on them, walks away* Enjoy your book-burning.
by Foret March 31, 2005
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