to put the burden of proof on the person asking the question or to prove a point without any effort or argument whatsoever
Andy: "How could there possibly be a competitor for the shake weight?!"

Stig: "I don't f******* know... google it."
by Stigamus January 22, 2011
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1. n. a popular search-engine
2. v. to search for something.

Originally, Google had the more narrow meaning of simply performing an online search on the Google search engine, but since has become adapted to a more broad context of searching for almost anything.

See Also: Wiki
1. A: I totally can't remember what that song was called!
B: Check for the lyrics on Google, man. You'll probably find it.

2. A: I'm really hungry.
B: Then go Google the cupboard for some ramen or something.
by BadAji May 4, 2007
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The replacement of education for our technology dependent society.

533 billion googles are made in a day.

"What's uh.. 2+2?"
"Google it."
by Danielle Danielle January 9, 2009
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The most common search engine, made in 1998.
Guy 1: Hey, when did Abraham Lincoln die?

Guy 2: I don't know. Let me Google that.
by Jon Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit November 4, 2020
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1. used as a verb to indicate using an internet search engine (normally Google itself) to look up a subject

2. internet search engine
1. "Hold on, just let me google her."

2. "I use Google when I look up things for school, even though I normally end up on Wikipedia."
by Kikie January 10, 2008
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1 v. To search for a term or terms using the Google search engine.
2 n. A highly-used search engine that is considered the most effective on the internet by many
3 n. The number 1, followed by 100 zeros.
I googled for a serial to Windows XP, but I found a German porn site instead.

Google owns Yahoo's ass.

I have been to that fucking site a google times.
by BTTF Man January 24, 2004
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the act of searching something on the internet, mainly on google
I had to do a report on Spain, so I went to google it and found a lot of information.
by PBnJ October 15, 2004
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