2 definitions by BTTF Man

A line of clothing meant for the workplace that some skaters wear because they believe that they have less of a chance of being damaged in a bail.

Even though I'm no skater, I know one thing - if you fuck up, it doesn't matter if you're wearing goddamn Dickies or not, your shitty overpriced clothes will rip. Tough shit. Buy some kevlar bulletproof shit if you want something that won't rip.
Skaters at school:

"Dude, I jacked up my shit so bad! My board's bottom is ruined becuase I landed on a rock after doing a stair jump!"

"Did your clothes rip when you hit the ground?"

"Nope, they're Dickies."

Dickies aren't fucking indestructible.
by BTTF Man March 21, 2005
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1 v. To search for a term or terms using the Google search engine.
2 n. A highly-used search engine that is considered the most effective on the internet by many
3 n. The number 1, followed by 100 zeros.
I googled for a serial to Windows XP, but I found a German porn site instead.

Google owns Yahoo's ass.

I have been to that fucking site a google times.
by BTTF Man January 24, 2004
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