an excuse to eat food off the floor.
Eric: *walking along, sees a piece of candy on the ground* NOM

Jason: Dude...

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Just another boy band for teen girls to drool over. They got famous after touring with another boy band, One Direction.

To claim this is not a boy band because "they play instruments" is just a way for their "fans" to justify their infatuation with another group of attractive boys.

The real reason for the band's popularity lies in their ability to be good looking and create generic pop hooks. Just like every boy band, ever.
OMG 5SOS! They play instruments!! No band has ever done that before!!!!!!!!!

5 seconds of summer? More like 5 seconds of suck.
by statesman May 23, 2014
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Another manufactured boy band thrown together by a money-hungry corporation to get a quick buck off gullible 10 year old girls. Much like One Direction, they're songs are the same thing: make an anonymous compliment to some girl, so every 10 year old girl on the planet will go: "OMG! He said that to me! I have to go buy more overpriced 5SOS merchandise now!" And that is the goal of these people. They're fans say, "They're not a boy band! They play instruments! Boy bands don't play instruments!" Yeah, honey, they do. They can't play them WELL. But they do play them. So does OneRepublic, and they're a shitty boy band.
Fangirl: "OH. MY. GOD! 5 Seconds of Summer released their new EP! And it's only $340! Can I get it mom?! They also have this new 5SOS jacket! It's only $150!"
by ledzeppelin1 August 20, 2014
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Someone who always makes microwaveable food, such as tv dinners and microwaveable pizzas, and considers it "excellent quality food". Can also be known as a 5 second chef.
For dinner tonight, my dad "made" us "quality" spaghetti, which was really just Stouffers. He's such a 5 second cook.
by TehKingz August 6, 2010
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The window of opportunity for picking up food you dropped on the ground, dusting it off and eating it.
Person 1 - Drops sandwich
Person 2: "It's still good... 5 second rule!"
by Kim July 11, 2004
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An amazing band that ARE NOT a boy band although they consist of only four boys/men. The band is made up of Luke Hemmings who plays the guitar and is the lead vocalist, Calum Hood who plays bass and sings, Michael Clifford who plays guitar and sings and Ashton Irwin the drummer and singer. The boys are often shipped together, e.g Malum, and Muke. Many fanfictions of 5 Seconds of Summer can be found on Wattpad and online. 5 Seconds of Summer is called 5SOS for short, and god forbid if you say five es oh es, that is shameful and you will immediately be labelled as a fake fan. Calum Hood is oftenley mistook for being Asian but I can assure you he is not, and making that fatal mistake of saying he is or spelling his name with two l's is social suicide.
"Omg 5 Seconds of Summer is my fav band and I love Calum Hood the Asian one so much!1!1!1!"
by gl1tterbitch September 6, 2015
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When one accidently drops food, not held in a container or wrapper, on the ground. The rule states that if you pick it up within 5 seconds, it won't be contaminated. There is also a '10 second rule' variation. Unfortunately, both rules are urban legends -- The speed with which you can pick the food article back up has no bearing on whether it may receive germs.
Person A: "Crap, dropped a cookie."
Person B: "5 second rule!!"
Person A scrambles to pick up food article
by Ryan Thompson July 10, 2004
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