Formal Definition:
A biological Man (XY) who only has sexual interest in biological Females (XX) who are within the average BMI (Body Mass Index) 18.5 and 25.

Biological Man - a biological male who has an X and Y chromosome.
Biological Woman - a biological female who has two X chromosomes.
Markus: Hey man would you date that biological female?

Titus: Nah I'm Uber Super Straight, shes not a biological female with two X chromosomes between 18.5 and 25 on the international standard body mass index therefore I'm not attracted to her, just the way I was born I guess.
Markus: I respect the orientation you were born with. I hope one day you will find a biological female with two X chromosomes between 18.5 and 25 BMI so that you can one day have healthy children and live a peaceful family life.
by Titus Tiberius March 12, 2021
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On March 9th every year it is international super straight day to celebrate men being attracted to woman that don’t have a penis.
Hey boys, are you excited for International Super Straight Day tomorrow?
by Sammohns8 March 9, 2021
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A person attracted to one individual, that superhe/supershe is capable of having possibility of sexualy reproduction.
- do you want to go on a date with me?

- only if you are wiling to accept that for the rest of my life I will be attracted only to you and my main focus will be drawn to having my own biological children.
- oh that's to much preshure, don't you want to try out first?
-no I do not, I'm Super Straight Monogamous and I'm only attracted to idea being attracted just to one person.
by Sezamaz March 11, 2021
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the worst day ever in history, where all the shitty straights think they're apart of the lgbtq+ community (they aren't), and celebrate transphobia.
it's international super-straight day, this is transphobic and shouldn't be a thing.
by @i_am_ring0 on instagram April 24, 2021
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Super Straight: Category Fit is when a boy likes a female who was born with XX chromosomes and finds their body visually appealing without body shaming.
No example provided. Super Straight: Category Fit is when a boy likes a female who looks visually appealing. And they want mini me’s with that female.
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You're straight af, to the point you only biological females are visible to you.
Girl: "I like this guy's shirt, would love to see you wearing his style."
Guy: "Can't see him, I'm Super Straight XS Pro Max"
by Lathem01 April 25, 2021
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A person who isn't a attracted to bisexual or trans people. Not to be confused with super straight where you're only not attracted to trans people.
Milo: I think you're cute, wanna go out
Becky: Sorry, I'm super duper straight so I'm not attracted to bisexuals
Milo: Oh, so your homophobic
Becky: No, I'm just not attracted to bisexual people, doesn't mean I have a problem with them
Milo: Oh, okay then *cries*
by Davey6462 September 6, 2021
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