Someone that put cookie dough in his girlfriend vagina, then precedes to stomp the vagina with his testicles.
by JAR JAR BINKS LOVRRR November 28, 2016
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When a bunch of rednecks from a small town go out on boats late at night and stomp the heads of alligators for sport to stun them.
Hey man, wanna drink some beer and go gator stomping?

Yea! Let's be stupid and risk losing our leg! What fun!
by Kloey_Phaith May 2, 2019
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The act of forcibly putting the heel of a high heal shoe into one's anus repeatedly.
Pete owed money and got southern deer stomped by Steven.
by Sven Zryak April 27, 2019
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“ I want to stomp on that gay”
“ why what did she do to you?”

oh nothing I just know she used to go by the name zobird and she bit her to nails off with her mouth”
by Your butt stank January 21, 2020
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used in the 70s and 80s to refer to truckers, rednecks, who fight and cuss to make up for their lack of intelligence.
Don't trust a stomp, they can never find anything nice to say.
by Blendernaut June 26, 2021
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When a song is so fire that shit stomps. While hearing music you aren’t only listening but feeling the music and it’s flow.
Friend 1: Oh shit that shit stomps!
Friend 2: Yeah! This is apart of the new album.
Friend 3: Instant bop!
by Anakin S May 20, 2022
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