The simultaneous loss of multiple types of bodily fluids, on an involuntary basis, after passing out following a night out on the town.

Known on twitter as #TBE
Julian didn't know what had happened to his bed until he realised he'd had a Total Body Evacuation during the night
by ubd_god December 20, 2011
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When you want to call someone cool, rad, swaggy but since tater tots are all of these things it’s an even bigger compliment. Thank us later. If you want to return the compliment, say “tots to you too!” It’s a real cool kid term.
by Neckyourself👌🏻 June 1, 2018
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When recieving a handjob from someone you've just met, or a stranger. They use the hand opposite of what they write with. For example, if they're right handed they would use their left hand.
You know that girl I hooked up with the other day? She gave me a weird handjob. It was like a total stranger.
by FlashSlapper November 8, 2013
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An awfully cringe term that makes anyone hate you.
WHOA DUDE THATS totally rad brah!”
by Dsdavfrbgtnnfgh5(6((: June 3, 2022
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A person who completely abstains from falling in love.
Why do you hate falling in love??!! You're such a love totaler!!
by smektala ahmed April 29, 2011
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