A human being with immense emotional control and looks to match. They will be your savior in life and in bed too.
They possess skills unknown to even the closest of friends, and although they may seem mentally stable, they often hide the most emotions.

If you meet a said "loaf", never meet them go.
That man is such a loaf! I'm in love with him.

I wish I had a loaf in my life
by LiliiBilii November 24, 2021
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to love intensely, when you love someone so much that saying "i love you" just doesnt cut it anymore!
(can also be said over text as "i 🍞 u")
vi: i loaf you rue!
rue: i 🍞 you too!
by peepeepoopoocacapants March 10, 2022
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A cat in a position where its arms and legs are tucked under its body, making the cat therefore look like a loaf of bread from a grocery store.
by Goofy456 November 3, 2022
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Love’s only a feeling
Love does not matter because LOAF, loyalty matters.
by Sadboi29 January 22, 2021
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Loaf is one of the greatest individuals you will come across on the planet. Despite common misunderstandings, Loaf is a smart, calculating, gorgeous, breath taking, funny, brilliant, loyal individual. You can count on them to stand by your side through thick or thin(Unless you call them 'bread' in which case write out your own eulogy right now). They may come off as annoying or attention seeking but in reality they're just trying to keep you distracted from the rough reality and keep you happy. Truly, a one of a kind friend and companion, they're the type of person you wouldn't want to lose. They're a 10/10 and goddamn, give them a hug cause they need it.
Loaf is the greatest human being on Earth. They're so handsome. I wish I were loaf.
by Amphibaena November 24, 2021
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