A centuries old curse in which Amy drafts Buffalo Bills players, and in turn, those players have a horrible season, and often have injuries.
The Curse of the Pandas
by speedjacer February 10, 2010
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When a skilled source bhopper with 98+ average sync and 75+ gain fails to hit a 620 ssj.
My sync is insane but I cant hit a 620? I got dewberts curse.
by 253436437 September 15, 2021
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The Cama curse is haveing only Fat, crazy, or ugly girls attracted to you or your friends
(Fat bitch) I think your hot can I get your snap?
Nah fam.

I fucking hate the Cama curse
by Lobster_Gameing August 22, 2023
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when you lose a match against the eventual winner of the tournament over and over again
Guys I think we've got the Spot Up curse... every time we get eliminated it's by the winner of the tournament
by cheez-ball November 28, 2021
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The unfortuante series of events when a really attractive girl is spending time with/ hooking up with a really unattractive guy. This situation is very easily seen in western pennsylvania, thus the name. Statisticians indicate that 64% of girls between the ages of 18-24 suffer from the curse. There is no known cause for the curse, only that doctors and psychologists point to major brain damage suffered at birth, probably caused by fetal alcohol syndrome.
by TheWPACurse April 17, 2011
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When someone tricks you into thinking something (something incorrect)
John: Did you know that Obama died yesterday?!
Anna: No he didn’t....you must’ve fell into the thought curse
by CrystalTearing66 September 16, 2017
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Cunningham curse is ; Charm , charisma , confidence & sprinkle some sex appeal in to cause the opposite sex to lose they damn mind at the thought of being around or inside of them . Blessing when under the influence & a curse when fun is all done .
Girl you acting thirsty as hell , checking your phone , peeping out the window like you under a dick trance , naw it's Cunningham curse his niece was warning u bout !
by Han $olo September 8, 2023
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