Nut, pronounced Nut
Synonyms: Pea, Wal, Alnut.
Antonym: EpiPen
Anything that can kill the kid with a nut allergy. It must be a nut however.
Nuts are usually brown, however a tingle may develop in the nut and make them white. How do nuts kill the kid? When the kid consumes the nuts, there throat will become obscured, and they will start choking on the nuts, killing the kid. The bigger the nut, the greater effect.
In a threatening way it may be used as


In a way to warn people it may be used as

Considerate person: A nut that big will kill you!

These are the most common ways nut is used.
by HormonalRage November 2, 2020
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Man 1: I nutted last week. man 2: so did I
by Shreksyyoda69 June 3, 2020
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German Commander: So, will you surrender?

American Commander (to the German Commander): Nuts!
by STCKS December 4, 2021
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You be acting like a Nut towards me.
by Niecyy July 5, 2020
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Wow look at big man busting a big nut.
Big man doing big nut Eh!
by big man nut November 8, 2018
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that shit right there makes me bust a fat fucking nut
“hey that’s a good pic

haha yeah it made me nut
by fuckoffitsfreddiemercury January 26, 2019
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the action of letting out cum or sperm! (it happens while having sex mostly)
Damian:AW, shit man i nutted on my sheets
by April 1, 2022
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