You bored so you type all of the keys on your keyboard but then you noticed that your arm was on shift the whole time
so you look this up to see what you find
You: I want to make a new word in the urban dictionary but what should I do?
You: I know ~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?

You: Its perfection
by Hello internet world November 17, 2021
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wow you have reached the maximum amount of bordemness. U are supposed to be in school right? Meh, can't rlly blame ya there.
Person 1: im boreddd i hate school
Me: *looks up urban dictionary* qwertyuiop=-0987654321asdfghjkl;'/.,zxcvbnm
by Swapsansfan September 12, 2022
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typing this is the reality of what a severely bored person can do. what this means is that using your index finger to type every key possible from left to right in one fell swoop turns out like this!
I'm gonna fling my finger through every key "`1234567890-qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./" i want to go home and see my family :(
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When you run your fingers across the keyboard while including backspace and missing enter and tab.
"I'm bord, let me run my fingers across the key bord to see what comes up, `1234567890-qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./"
by WOBBAER!@## September 26, 2022
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When you literally typed every single key on the keyboard besides tab, shift, the F- keys, escape. This does include caps lock. The result of extreme boredom
I am so extremely bored...

I'm gonna write `1234567890-qwertyuiop\ASDFGHJKL;'ZXCVBNM,./ and see what shows up.
by IRDKWhatToPutHere December 19, 2022
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