74 definitions by plato!

a cheeken!

by plato! February 3, 2024
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to think something will happen after it actually does
I overprojected the time until midday.
by plato! March 18, 2024
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one fine day

A day that looks good to start but goes terrible.
by plato! July 24, 2024
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1.A small bout with a rod.

2.To kick something before hitting the ground.
And, PUNT!
by plato! April 18, 2024
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heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along heath pumped, pass it along
by plato! August 6, 2024
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stanley armstrong

stanley armstrong
by plato! February 25, 2024
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