A person who is a 1 on the 1-10 hot scale but has a great personality.
Yeah Kayla is ugly but she's a pretty penny.
by YourBoyMatty April 14, 2016
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When you get blackout drunk and end the night with a spectacular performance of Irish Yoga unbeknownst to you with your face firmly pressed against a shinny copper penny. Then proceed to present to work the next morning with said shiny copper penny still adhered to your massively hung over forehead.
April - Hey Caleb can I give you a penny for your thoughts?

Caleb - sure whats up?

April - never mind I see you already have one.
by Reedski January 31, 2022
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Just like a Pretty Penny means a big amount of money, a Sexy Penny means an absolutely enormous amount of money, usually in the tens of millions or above.
Joe : “My Dad just bought a mansion worth £15 million.”
Jenny : “Wow... That's a Sexy Penny.”
by C L G February 14, 2020
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A derogatory term for a Jewish person.
Because of the stereotype the most Jews are rich and good with money
guy 1: wow that guy is such a penny collector!
guy 2: why?
guy 1:well...he a jew so he must be rich
by tomamassister December 3, 2011
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A member of the Canadian federal public service who is due to be cut, just like the one-cent piece.
Blogger one: 'Did you hear they're cutting the Canadian penny?'

Blogger two: 'Yeah, just like noone will miss them, noone will miss low-level workers in the public service.'

Blogger one: 'Yeah, Lewinsky and Tripp were 'peons,' but people noticed them, so I guess that's the difference between a 'peon' and a 'penny.'

Blogger two: 'They also had a stained-dress, though.'
by sukadog April 1, 2012
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Ultimate continuous penny-pinching, unwilling to spend money, saving every penny
My girlfriend is always penny bitching when I want to go on a weekend trip with my friends
by Berry_ann May 27, 2019
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Penny Wising- To make a malicious joke, or saying things that are funny yet mean.

This came about as my friend and I were talking, and referenced the the movie IT in which the clown character who is suppose to be funny is actually very malicious.
This saying is now widely used in our area.
by Trapp-Lica October 23, 2022
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