An expression used by a charming/cute human being, of course i'm not talking about YOU (the reader of this post)
Person 1: "So... Have you asked that girl out yet?"
Not the reader: "Yeah, and she said yes!"
Not the reader: "What can I say? I've got charm comin' out of my ass"
by Honestly_iForgor July 6, 2023
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pancaking an ass is the act of smearing shit all over ones ass the cumming on their ass as if it was whip cream. Then you start to eat the "pancake"
Dude don't pancake my ass, that's nasty
by PancakeBaeLovesYou November 8, 2017
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When a divorced rough middle aged man catches you looking at his ass whilst he holds an item of choice
Guy: Wow look at his ass
Divorced man: Don't be looking at my ass (item of choice is a cold coffee)
by Dr. ShrimpPuertoRico December 18, 2021
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something you would say when you are super drunk/high but at the same time relaxed.
“im on my ass now that i took 2 bong hits and an edible
by aidenthetank December 9, 2020
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When you/someone want to express that you do not believe that any
girl with a dick would be automatically "trans" or every person with a
vagina would be "female". Also when you say that categorising everyone
into either "trans*", "cis*" or "inter*" is as stupid and oldschool as putting
a baby with a vagina always into pink cloth.
"After I told her I wasn´t born with a cunt she started to tell me a transgender all
time, so I reacted very "trans my ass" to make her understand how fucked up this is".
"They do not want him to speak at the demonstration because of his clear "trans my ass"
opinions that are not legit with the lgbtiq mainstream".
by Uma Thulkjashdkh February 28, 2019
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You yell this after stubbing your toe, or when something bad happens, or if something is to expensive. like the equivalent of shit, or son of a bitch. This is just a much more fun way of showing your cussing knowledge.
by cussergeniass October 2, 2019
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