a cocky little shit who thinks she is better the everyone else
Lily is so annoying.
by yo a bitch June 7, 2019
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A name for woman's genitalia that has become extremely moist and subsequently inflamed to the point that it looks like a wet, strange flower.
After eating her out for 45 minutes she had crazy swamp lily going on.
by Sienna Sleigh April 7, 2013
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how people named jeffrey start off a sentence when they want to deny any allegations made against him. the name signify his ex lovers, the sentence must end with no nothing
person: hey jeffrey do you like porn royale?
jeffrey: no min, no lily, no porn royale, no nothing
by huhminhuh January 7, 2019
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Purple Lily; A flower found in the region of Africa.

A secret relation between two people. Often bestfriends, hard to be described. A theory of perfect friendship.
Purple lily Day: A day celebrated by two friends who's relation is a secret to the world but the most important thing in their life.
Hey! Happy purple lily day!

I wish we were purple lily friends.

Hajra Purple Lily Effect Bestfriends
by Purplelily'sPenguin December 12, 2014
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A name recently applied to Lily Allen due to the idiotic statements she has made on a variety of subjects. Supposedly a singer, she is in reality a female Russell Brand; a brain dead member of the chattering classes suffering from acute princess syndrome, she is so full of her own piss and wind she feels that she has the right to criticise democratic processes in other countries.

She has made a number of statements so ridiculously uninformed as to be moronic and had to withdraw them from the public domain. This does not, however, stop her constant whining about the election of Donald Trump in the USA (which incidentally in fuck all to do with her) nor her failure to say anything about the tyrannical actions of Kim Jong Un in North Korea.

A typical luvvie with a declining career, she has a lot to say (none of which is worth listening to) but does SFA to address the so-called wrongs she bleats about. In short a rather stupid creature who, because of her minor celebrity status has never had to grow up and deal with the real world.
Silly Lily, the epitome of a fuckwitted female Malcolm.
by AKACroatalin January 29, 2017
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An American actress whom plays 'Betty Cooper' on the CWs Riverdale. Most fans of Riverdale and Lili call her 'daddy' because she is, indeed, arch daddy. She also does Halloween makeup and posts it on her Instagram in earlier pictures. She is also shipped with her fellow co star Cole Sprouse.
Friend: hey have you heard about the Riverdale cast daddy war?
Me: yeah Lili Reinhart is ultimate daddy though.
by Aaliyahxann July 8, 2017
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Lili is your dream bestie! She’s an amazing actress and is a legit goddess. If you meet lili respect her and love her because she deserves the world! When you meet lili your immediately obsessed with her. She is stunning and precious and had the cutest smile in the world.
Lili Reinhart is the loml!💞
by Insta:@lilisprousx January 9, 2019
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