The act of jizzing on a recently purchased item then realizing equal amounts of self loathing and comedy.
My girlfriend came over wearing a new dress that I bought for her and she looked so good I convinced her to have a quicky before dinner.... But then a {dented trumpet} incident happened and the dress was never worn again.
by Sam6victor February 17, 2018
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The act of giving oral to the rectum or penis in short bursts, much like one giving a jazz solo for a trumpet.
Suzy gave me a jazzy trumpet yesterday and it felt like she was trying to spit in my urethra.
by jimmies be rustled April 26, 2014
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Donald trump loves to suck bOoBs, willys, kids, giraffes, snakes, any living creature. He is so weird and doesn’t accept GLBTQ+
Donald Trumpet loves children
by Willybeard.65 December 7, 2020
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When you eat the ass of a woman (or man) whilst making a ululating sound. this will give off the sound of a ukulele, whilst playing the trumpet
Hey man, were you giving my mum the ukulele trumpet last night? It was pretty loud.

You hear that noise last night? That was me playing the ukelele trumpet on your sister!
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When someone farts.

It’s a polite way to highlight someone’s flatulence.
(Someone farts). “Calm down trumpet butt
by Sapio Peach August 2, 2022
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A Scottish trumpet is when one blasts several consecutive farts in a row without stopping.
Mariarose and Danielle loved to hear sounds and smell of the Scottish trumpet playing
by Thor from Whitestone January 27, 2019
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Someone who is such a fan of Donald Trump that they would blow him like a flugelhorn if given the chance.
Every one of these Trumpeteers at tonights "Stop the Steal" rally would drop to their knees if Donald walked in!
by Finleah November 6, 2021
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