A derogatory term or regional slur against New Yorkers (and sometimes New Jerseyites) who have recently moved to Florida since the start of the pandemic. Yellow plates are the scourge of Florida highways, frequently speeding as traffic is significantly less prevalent in their new state. They also enjoy city driving, considering that pedestrian and bicycle traffic is all but non existant. Floridians only find relief from Yellow Plates when a hurricane hits and they flee the state. Snowbirds are considered the upper class of Yellow Plates, generally accepted by the populus as seasonal guests, rather than a permanent burden.
That damn yellow plate just cut me off!

Look at that stupid yellow plate waiting for someone to pump their gas.
by grupenhof November 3, 2022
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A derogatory term or regional slur against New Yorkers (and sometimes New Jerseyites) who have recently moved to Florida since the start of the pandemic. Yellow plates are the scourge of Florida highways, frequently speeding as traffic is significantly less prevalent in their new state. They also enjoy city driving, considering that pedestrian and bicycle traffic is all but non existant. Floridians only find relief from Yellow Plates when a hurricane hits and they flee the state. Snowbirds are considered the upper class of Yellow Plates, generally accepted by the populus as seasonal guests, rather than a permanent burden.
That damn yellow plate just cut me off!

Look at that stupid yellow plate waiting for someone to pump their gas.
by grupenhof November 3, 2022
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An extra paper plate that you grab to put under the first to add reinforcement (in case it gets soggy, deformed, etc). Some of the time, one will keep the reinforcement plate, and only replace the top plate. The same can apply to cups.
Bob: Hey, Steve! I can't help but notice that you keep grabbing 2 or more plates everytime you come back up to get some mashed potatoes.
Steve: Oh, those are reinforcement plates.
Bob: Okay, but could you stop eating all the chicken?
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 July 12, 2010
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Stretching your ballsack out so your penis lays on it like a plate .
by Awol_partydrunk June 4, 2022
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When someone means to say contemplated but has a dick in their mouth.
by S. Shizzle July 30, 2013
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The 45 pound weight that you put on a barbell
Yo how much can you bench?

Like two big plates.

Holy Shit!
by RogerNihlock February 8, 2018
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Those things we never have to wash after dinner.
Hon, I'm sure there are plenty of bears in the park who'd love to spend the weekend with those crastic plates.
by enviroman June 27, 2011
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