Church-Centric Bible Translation (CCBT) is a paradigm of Bible translation focussed on the establishing and strengthening of the church using a translation process that is led by leaders of the church and done by Christian 'believers' translating into their own language, as an integral part of their theological and spiritual formation.

CCBT provides the Church with unrestricted freedom to use the highest standard of biblical resources and technology to create, check and publish their translations. CCBT overcomes the licensing obstacle by open-licensing everything that the global church needs (e.g., content, tools, and training.) It overcomes the language obstacle by providing open-licensed resources in all the Gateway Languages so that the church in every language can use the resources through a major language they understand. All content found on the CCBT website is open-licensed (CC-BY-SA).
Five Bible stories have been translated into one of the 120 minority Chadian languages using the church-centric Bible translation model.
by habs94 July 25, 2023
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A Word Bible is another, more accurate word for dictionary. A Word Bible, is a collection of definitions of all the sacred words, in the language you choose. It is considered to be holy, and the one and only divine record of language.
Person 1: I don't know what spaghettification means.
Person 2: Look it up in the urban Word Bible.
by BreakdownStudy November 29, 2019
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a group that is cool eats pizza and plays club penguin but slang versian sias CANCEROUS TO WHOEVER HATES THEM.
by THE BIBLE GUYS April 25, 2019
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Holy shit, it's like watching Jesus get flogged! That was brutal! That whole debate was just brutal!
Hym "Except I don't think I'd actually laugh at the sight of Jesus getting flogged. I might masterbate though, bah dum ts! Sad wank for Jesus! Why I don't trust the bible? More like 'why you don't want the sauce!' Got this nigga lookin like he never even SEEN a book!"
by Hym Iam June 19, 2024
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Bible Thumper: one who talks to others regarding the Bible and Jesus trying to have them accept Jesus as their Saviour.
Bible thumper Don came around again today, still trying to get me to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
by Brother Donald June 16, 2022
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