A shortened version of the word “Retard” used by people in need of a short way to insult someone for being foolish.
“Bro, you belong in a pop tart package
by Big Brolic Black Gay Male April 8, 2022
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An English fart that smells like shart
by Queendom12 September 1, 2019
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A dumb person, not so bright , when you do something retarded . Similar to a dumb blonde 😂
He's a tart. I acted like a tart. She's a tart .
by Perfectionartista May 18, 2017
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1 A toasted treat with a jam filled interior.
2 A hot young woman who is slutty.
The former definition of tart you want eat, the latter, you want to eat out! He he ha ha!
by Biden is a dick December 24, 2021
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A word that British people (more people aged 30+ and female) use to call someone stupid.
Woman 1: “Gemma tripped on the patio door frame yesterday and smacked her head on the patio tiles
Woman 2: “What an absolute tart”
by Bi’ish chav September 6, 2019
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Someone, often a girl (but not only) that dresses and/or acts like a whore.
For example, Dorian Green from Birds of a Feather is 100% a tart.

Tart can be used as an acid remark, a bit like bitch.
It's rude and mean, but often used as a funny joke between friends.
"God, that girl is such a tart.."
"Why? She seems kind."
"Just look at how she dresses. SOOO slutty!"

"God, that guy is such a tart.."
"Why? He dresses normally."
"Just look at how he act. SOOO slutty!"

"Damn, hey tart! It's been a while"
"Biiitch, ikr!"
by Yana <3 February 4, 2019
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