Spears-shear: (Verb) To shave one's head in fear of a court ordered hair sample drug test.

Donkey: "Pot, should it be legal, or no? Thoughts?"

Ochris: "Legal, obviously."

Bustya: "Ochris are you fucking insane? We can't legalize that shit. That's my leverage to force my wife to Spears-shear that head before court. Get your fucking priorities straight."
by Bustya Lipbitch April 25, 2008
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A card in clash royale often used to kite high health troops (meGAY knight, Pekka,) resulting in a massive elixir trade and the obliteration of entire pushes. Players who use it don't have a family and only live ( on the streets) to play this one game, only earning money by demonstrating their skill in front of depression-stricken hordes.
Player 1: Want to train for that clan war?

Player 2: Sure, let me upgrade my Spear Goblins first.

Player 1: I think you're prepared enough. considering that we're in the middle of a hood and being watched.
by Mudane potion#069 October 18, 2022
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When you have a melt down and go full Britney
It all got a bit too much for her and she did a Britney. Fucking spear year
by Keeniskeeno June 10, 2021
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hes a dumbass but a good freind landon spears
landon spears is such a dumbass landon is a dick
by yuiy March 28, 2022
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bithcney spaears non famous television actress or something i dont know
bitchney spears
by chasbo12 February 26, 2022
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When a deal is made to someone that seems beneficial but ruins the signer with a series of bullshit fine prints smacked in their face later on down the road.
Emile got the shit end of the spear-hook after it turns out that in order to get his health benefits he had to sacrifice his dog.
by Real Human Bean February 17, 2016
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