Black male likes to have sex with little boys (8 years old and under)
My little cousin got blown out by Darius Gray
by ASfgdhjgfdrsfdgh November 18, 2022
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Robert gray is a nice friend...................JK HE GAY
your a Robert gray
by gjfkdehgrfjdhfg April 4, 2019
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A particularly attractive shirt worn by Sherlock Holmes in the British tv show "Sherlock." It's similar to the purple shirt of sex, but you know, gray.
Sherlock is looking nice this episode in the gray shirt of lust.
by Alice-day April 16, 2016
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the behaviour that preceeds drunken one night stands between work colleagues
Apparently they went home together, I knew they would though, she was gray-bearding him all night...
by Wisevalve November 5, 2010
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An occurrence which happens when a male is having vaginal intercourse (usually in bed) and then falls asleep with the penis still inserted in the vagina. When the male wakes up, his penis is now flaccid and soggy due the amount of moisture put on it all night. This leaves it half - curved and with a grayish tint, as that of a banana
Male 1: Dude! Michelle and I were so tired last night!
Male 2: Did you fuck her?
Male 1: Yeah, but we fell asleep so I woke up with a gray banana!
by EatMyDictionary April 6, 2016
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Sexiest girl out there. Good at anything especially head. Personally you should get yourself a Jess Gray because theyre so amazing. Best girls out there.
“Did you see Jess Gray today?, She looked stunning
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Scandal in the White House to Oppenheimer in the war room, Goldwyn's Gordon Gray knows power plays yo!
Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: What's Goldwyn doing these days?

Person 2: Tony Goldwyn as Gordon Gray in Oppenheimer, power never changes man!
by courtofowls September 4, 2023
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