A girl named amber Frazier that rides around in a white suv giving away pussy.
Look over there that looks like an og barnyard coming down the road.
by BigBankHank1981 May 13, 2022
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Used to describe really disgusting and unhygienic apartments.
"Eww, that apartment looks like Magn og Aleks lejlighed"
by Bunnerlol October 20, 2021
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When you smoke old weed and no one knows the stain.This random ass weed is normally dry, and burns like hell when you smoke it.
“Shit man, OG Thunderfuck killed me ass

by The Shamaine December 1, 2017
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The most legendary water polo player. He has eyes that when people look in them they get lost in them. He is very tall and intimidating but once you get to know him he is the nicest and sweetest guy ever.
Boy: Eric the OG Is such a good water polo player
Girl: Eric is the cutest guy ever I wish I was dating him.
by Karo and Eric December 7, 2019
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An outfit you have put on before and put on when you have “nothing to wear
Alex: yo bro I can’t find anything to wear

Daniel: damn bro what are you going to do

Alex: fuck ima just go with a white tee and black pants

Daniel: oh so your og outfit.
by Medina_140015 October 4, 2020
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