The action of registering multiple accounts to gain unlimited monthly trials of a certain paid subscription based content.
Initially and widely used on the streaming platform Netflix.
A: Did you see *TV show name* on *paid service name* last night? It was so good.
B: I'm too poor to pay for *paid service name*.
A: Use the Netflix strategy and register tons of emails.
B: Sounds valid.
by NopeLGD March 10, 2020
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An area in which you place yourself when you're unsure what to watch on Netflix as you have already watched the majority of the films/series it provides.
Girlfriend: "Can we watch a film"

Boyfriend: "let's have a look for something we haven't seen"

*3 hours later*

The couple are now both in Netflix Limbo
by Supernoodler February 15, 2016
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A general response to why something isn’t done. Inspired by people who ignore normal adult responsibilities in favor of binging Netflix, or other streaming, content.
Bob: Why hasn’t Karen salted the driveway at all this winter? The snow and ice would be totally gone if she had!
Alice: Well, you know, It’s Not Netflix
by BinaryHackerMan February 9, 2021
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The limp and numb wrist you get after hours of watching Netflix on a device.
Dang bro text me back
I couldn’t bro I got Netflix wrist
by TheRealDAC November 5, 2021
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Basically translates to 'netflix and some beers' from swiss german.
'Und' is the german term for 'and' while 'pabio' is slang for 'paar bier' which again translates to 'some beers'.
Commonly used by groups of guys (2-4 male youngsters) to describe an activity similar to the well-known and (in-)famous netflix and chill, whereby it's important to mention that there's no sexual activity whatsoever, in fact it's all about chilling for real.
So if your homie invites you to 'netflix und pabio', he probably just wants to hangout in the evening of a regular weekday, drink a casual 2-3 litres of beer and watch some netflix show with you, no need to worry (that's not gay at all). Even though the movement is yet in an early stage it's gaining popularity fast all over Switzerland and Europe. Drinking some beers and watching some netflix with your mate(s) will help you ease heartache, forget your problems and bond with your bro(s).

Therefore my conclusion: Join the movement, spread the word.
Bro 1: Hey mate, I've had a super stressed out day at work and on top of that I'm always thinking about that girl that ripped my heart out, wanna netflix und pabio tonight?
Bro 2: I can totally relate to that dude, count me in, let's top these 2 litres of yesterday!
Random girl: OMG, are you guys totally gay or what?
Bro 1: Just shut the fuck up, alright? Go look up the definiton of netflix und pabio on Urban Dictionary, maybe then you'll get it.
by Schlockbusters November 9, 2017
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A substitute of Netflix and chill. Instead of watching a movie in the background and fucking the brains out of the other participant, netflix and love ambiently plays a pop culture film to distract the two viewers from their inescapable loneliness. It adds normalcy to their weighted plight to reach another soul as they gaze into another’s eyes. Assigning every aspect of people they love to the otherwise stranger in front of them, a true intimate moment is reached by both parties.

A result of loneliness and the willingness to love without reason
Mentally ill lover mindset: I’m destined to be alone. I want to feel held tonight. I’m going on tinder to find some Netflix and love
by Vagabondidiot November 12, 2022
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