When you rub an ass with black paint then cum on it to make a gray color
Then we gray shmamed 10 times in a row
by Gray shmam October 3, 2016
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The act of using one's status as an individual who developed gray hair unusually early in life to feign ignorance, avoid responsibilities or or physical labor, or otherwise reap tangible or societal benefits generally reserved for the elderly.
Michael spent all day sitting on his couch saying he was "too old for this" and acting like he didn't understand anything, he's totally gray-facing again
by Sivart Nnamediew April 5, 2023
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When a gray hair magically reverts back to its original color. Most commonly used by people in denial.
I thought I found one but it turned out to be a false gray.
by …………… August 6, 2021
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the behaviour that preceeds drunken one night stands between work colleagues
Apparently they went home together, I knew they would though, she was gray-bearding him all night...
by Wisevalve November 5, 2010
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An occurrence which happens when a male is having vaginal intercourse (usually in bed) and then falls asleep with the penis still inserted in the vagina. When the male wakes up, his penis is now flaccid and soggy due the amount of moisture put on it all night. This leaves it half - curved and with a grayish tint, as that of a banana
Male 1: Dude! Michelle and I were so tired last night!
Male 2: Did you fuck her?
Male 1: Yeah, but we fell asleep so I woke up with a gray banana!
by EatMyDictionary April 6, 2016
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a word used to describe the surfer girls in hunnington beach california. it has been adapted to be used on any girl that is "cute" or "hot"
the girl on that beach cruiser was off gray.
by the original empi99 January 14, 2009
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Gray humor is a comedy style where the jokes briefly touches a dark subject matter but isn't really dark or taboo enough to be considered dark humor.
"He joked about a dark subject matter but wasn't really that dark or taboo"
"That's gray humor"
by Gigabased October 23, 2023
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