2 definitions by Gigabased

A short term describing the humor of Reddit (more specifically humor of subreddits like r/memes, r/dankmemes, and r/pewdiepiesubmissions)
John: I have a shitty sense of humor.
Roger: At least you don't have Wholesome Epic 100 Keanu Big Chungus Spooktober Updoot Redpilled Based Amogus Sus 69420 Stonks Humor.
John: Wow and I thought my shitty puns were unfunny.
by Gigabased September 25, 2021
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Gray humor is a comedy style where the jokes briefly touches a dark subject matter but isn't really dark or taboo enough to be considered dark humor.
"He joked about a dark subject matter but wasn't really that dark or taboo"
"That's gray humor"
by Gigabased October 23, 2023
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