The perineum - the bit of flesh between a scrotum and arsehole that can't be seen by it's owner unless a camera phone is employed, or a mirror placed on the floor.
By wiping a clean finger on the spare gound and then sniffing it or placing it under his partner's nose, a man thus enables himself to check the current hygeine status of his genital area.
Timothy - "Here Brenda, have a sniff at my finger".
Brenda - "(Sniffs) What the fuck Timothy! Your finger smells like shite! What the fuck have you been doing?"
Timothy - "Nowt. I've just ran it up my spare ground to see if I could get away without going for a shower before I get Knighted at Buckingham Palace today".
by boyboyce September 4, 2009
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The superior floor at burton and garran hall
Hey which floor are you on?

I'm on A2.

AHAHAHAHAH RIP that this shittest one!

Well what floor are you on?


Oh fuck fair enough you got lucky
by depstu August 20, 2021
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A person that makes the earth cry when they fat ass takes a step on the poor earths crust.
Gerardo Morales is the king of the ground Quakers
by Allseerer September 20, 2023
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A boring lifeless person who sucks the energy out of everyone around him or her.
Q: Yo, whats up with you and shorty?

A: I had to dead her, she makes everyone around her miserable? She's a ground rod!
by anonymouschickk April 1, 2011
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A person who always weasles their out of coming up top to the work front to be "ground guy" Got into the trade through nepotism and has zero skill. Unapologetically shitty at their job and makes you think " how the fuck are they still employed".
Hey Ground Weasle! Got a copy!

Yeah its totally fucked... looks like the gound weasle was here.
by Andy Snifterbum October 5, 2023
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Ground floor enter the street, 1st floor you are jumping out a window
I jump out the 1st floor window not the ground floor because Amanda told me it was the street and died
by Livvysmallfeet March 24, 2021
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