A reliable person using his quirky style to ensure the job gets done.
The person may be lazy but use his laziness to bring the best out of him
The person is super caring and ensures the best for his love and peers
Kee Yee is a very reliable person that ensures that your worries are gone in a spoof
by Ryunodono November 21, 2021
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1. The state of lacking any critical thinking, or characterized by willful stupidity

2. A usually unintentional, intellectually dishonest person.

3. Someone who reads or listen to media without thinking about what's being said and automatically accepts it.
Person 1: "Did you know liking capitalism means you're racist? Socialism automatically rids of racism by default".

Person 2: "Uh no, an economic system does not suddenly make a culture or nation not racist yee-haw brain".


Alex Jones: "LIBERALS! They're literal vampire demons sucking the blood of children."

Yee-Haw Brain: "YEEEEEE-HAAAAAWWW that's right!"
by ZRhasitforyou May 13, 2021
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The name chosen for onesself when unprepared to give a fake name on a podcast.
A.K.A. uhmmmmmmmmm Yee-ol-Flibbildibbil
by Screenshotsaver September 28, 2019
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Its when something is "lit" or similar
That was pretty Dou yee of you
by Tirpitz October 14, 2021
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