When you know who gave you Covid the first time so you purposely bump into them when you get it again.
I'm going into work on Monday to give my boss the old Wuhan Revenge.
by Snitty85 September 22, 2023
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This is a fan made alternate timeline of events where Mater is murdered in cold blood by an evil organisation. The news of this cripples lightning McQueen causing him to become super edgy and after he spends time morning the loss of his friend he joins the spys from Cars 2 . The spy modifications he gets are two turbo jets that extend from his doors, a taser, A turret that extends from the top of his head and gun that comes from his wheels. With his new upgrades he sets off to journey across the world getting his revenge by eradicating the evil organisation that killed his friend. At the climax of the movie he goes on a mission which results in the death of the Cars equivalent of osama bin laden.
"Hey have you heard about Cars 3 race for revenge it has an amazing story.
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The haphazard, annoying, illogical, and confounding layout and naming of streets in Arlington, Virginia. Once intended to be part of the District of Columbia, it's street layout designed by L'enfant, is nowhere near as logical, neat, and navigable as DC.
I would have been to the party on time, but I was struck by L'enfant's Revenge.
by Dave to pay January 1, 2015
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A flag flown when one male is open to an anonymous Craigslist casual encounter with another male
Hosting at my place tonight. You'll know it's my place as my Blackbeard's Revenge flag will be flying. Arrrgh!
by lastwordbitch July 13, 2017
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When you kick the dog out of the bedroom for privacy during sweet slow love making, and pupper poos on the carpet in the living room.
What's that noise babe? Omg, she took a revenge poo by the door.
by Ictinypeople September 23, 2021
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The Kraken’s Revenge is when you’re taking a shit and the cold water splashes back up into your asshole.
Person 1: How was your shit?
Person 2: Not good, the Kraken’s Revenge saw to that.
by Confetti17 January 4, 2020
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The colloquial term for any cases of gamers diarrhea contracted by playing any game John Smedley had any influence. The name humorously refers to John Smedley who is notoriously known for destroying any game he touches
I started Playing New World and immediately my guts started hurting; Smedley's Revenge strikes again.
by Dmmit dude January 2, 2022
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