(n) (insult) A big mouth. The owner of the tit jaw usually has a mouth that's too large, sometimes meaning they talk too much. Can also be used to mean that the person eats too much. Also used to evoke baby-like images of the person.
Damn, Natalie. He's got the body, but just look at that ugly tit jaw.
by The Other Shoe January 18, 2017
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extremely sensual oral sex with the upper and mid section of a female’s inside jaw
My ex-girlfriend had some good ass Sof Jaw when we were together.
by Onifc83 September 10, 2019
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When in online gaming, your or the enemy team does something incredibly stupid in the last minutes of a match, that it costs yours or the enemy team the victory.
We won the match, thanks to the enemy team, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
by Shasol December 3, 2019
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The condition in which a person possesses a wide enough jaw to comfortably and simultaneously fit two nuts in their mouth
by Clifford’sBigRedDong October 16, 2018
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The stripping of enamel from the teeth, caused by prolonged meth smoking. The teeth, lacking enamel, then rot at a much faster rate, often turning black and infecting the gums.

Also known as "meth mouth"
K: Yeah the guy's mouth was rotten like he had meth jaw.

A: Meth mouth?

K: Why yes, meth jaw and meth mouth are synonymous.
by zychster March 3, 2011
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On the streets when I was runnin shit they used to call me Bomb Jaw because I got that tight ass jaw jaw stretch like I’m a fucking cobra. #hoover
“Bro… that chick gave me bomb jaw! “
by SallySuckIt July 28, 2021
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