The expression of which when you are frightened,scared,etc.
Oh Zoinks!
by Rakrad November 17, 2017
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A phrase used to declare that the almighty God, NorvilleShaggyRogers, has marked the listener for death.
God, Shaggy Himself: Zoinks!

You: oh god, no please. I am a loyal subjec—
by LoyalToShaggy<3 January 30, 2019
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A word only to be used by the coolest people. Zoinks is used as a substitute for other swears, such as 'whoops' or 'gosh darnit'. It is said that those who use it automatically become saints at heart and gain both godly, and demonic powers. Never mess around with a person, who has stated the word 'Zoinks'. Zoinks can also be used to point out very cool sightings. Zoinker can be used as a gracious and heartfelt compliment, and shows that the person who is saying the word is very sweet and loving, and that they have a huge heart of gold.
*Accidently powers an hydraulic press and crushes foot* "Oh, zoinks!"
"Zoinks! Look at that 1000 degree glowing fidget spinner!"
"Oh you! You're such a Zoinker!"
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Its a great code word to use when ur totally fucking slumped, drunk or queef.
Im totally fucking zoinked right now or and I oop... I just zoinked
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zoink is an alternate term which is the plural form of zoinked therefore i will zoink this object or whatever you might steal is what might or will happen rather than focusing on what happened
1. "hey dud did you steal that jacket?" "yup i zoinked it" "why did you openly admit to zoinking something?" "dunno"
by litdragon99 January 6, 2021
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when youre stoned outta your fucking mind
"Oh shit look at Oswald he's fucking zoinked out right now"
by nut button March 14, 2019
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