to break up a musical group thruogh sex.
by sky May 8, 2003
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John Lennon's second wife who disliked his english family, and his first son, Julian. She had alot of control over John and when he died, she didn't invite John's english family to his funeral, they have no information about what happened to his body.
"Yoko Ono is a mean woman"
by shorttrohs June 15, 2009
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crazy lady! people blame her for the beatles breaking up,but thats proabably not true...she's been living in america for like a long time and still has an asianese accent
yoko OH NO!! oh yoko,you crazy!
by Dont look back in anger October 30, 2004
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Living off the fame of one's spouse, due to the fact that the person does not have any talent themself.
"I see Victoria Beckham has resorted to Doing a Yoko."
"Are you surprised with that singing voice?"
by Manx bloke November 6, 2006
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A asian girl who loves the white dick and always dates and loves white guys, while never dating asian guys or any other race besides white. When you see a Asian girl and a White guy in public you can say to your mate Yoko Ono and he will know exactly what you mean haha.
while walking past a asian girl, white guy couple.

"dude a yoko ono!" friend one
"oh shit I see her haha" friend two
by JyahC July 14, 2016
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