The leading energy producing state in America.

We don't ride horses to school.

We have car's , technology, and more importantly respect.

If you needed a shirt somone would give you theirs.

Look for a fight you'll find More than you wanted.

Every man woman and child has and knows how to use a gun.

Our dogs are smarter than most city folks.

We kill shit and eat it
And just a FYI we don't care that cali has beachs, Bros an actors if you like it so much go back.
And last but not least Campbell county /Gillette is not wyoming it's South Dakota.
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*Lowest population density per square mile of all 50 states.

*Perhaps the best area for alternative energy production with very high winds being average & an above average number of usable solar hours per day/year.

*Demographics in the Laramie-Casper-Rawlins triangle display Caucasian & Hispanic populations, very few Blacks.

*Great state if we could only keep the yuppies out!
Wyoming is a thinly populated & windy state with extreme seasonal weather, both summer & winter.
by wy0mn April 18, 2007
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a state with just about no people; almost everyone is a rancher; lots of nice scenary and evil cops
No one knows a damn thing about Wyoming.
by StatesDude April 2, 2004
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derived from the original english word "wyoming", it means to fap incessantly without any hope of climax. it is not unlike beating a dead horse.
1. derick is a hopeless romantic. correction, he is in fact a hopeless wyomer.
2. look at all these people wyoming. it must be the biggest population of fappers i've ever seen in one sitting.
3. i wyom in wyoming. (in this case, "wyoming" is used as the proper noun describing the state)
by joshua2007 September 24, 2007
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"Wyoming"? What's that? Surely if this thing call "Wyoming" actually exists there'd be a valid definition of what it is. It's certainly not one of the 50 states in the US as much as it is a government conspiracy. Did I just say that out loud?

Disregard what you may hear or be told, Wyoming is NOT a place. Do not listen to them! These so called "Wyomingites" are messing with your head.
"Wyoming? Never heard of her."
by Marsayde February 19, 2019
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Something you say when describing something fake.
"Meowmid's father is as fake as wyoming"
"Im on the toilet shut up"
by Angry Mustache Man April 18, 2022
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Some Gigantic black hole out in the middle of nowhere in the United States that sucks the soul and life out of everything that gets too close.
He got too cloe to Wyoming, the idiot!
by SovietViking January 18, 2004
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