A person that thinks they are very cool but they are not.
by booksofwords November 14, 2019
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.The sexual act of never having a sexual act
Its named after the famous band weezer that their fans are known for never having sex
Friend 1: yo man I've done the weezer this weekend

?Friend 2: so dry weekend again
Friend 1:yea
Friend 2: i worry about you sometimes
by Shrek is my daddy May 2, 2021
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Someone that is trying to act cool but really is not
1) person 1: I really don’t like him he’s always chatting shit about everyone

person 2: He’s just a weezer, thinks it’ll make him popular or something

2) person 1: I saw that kid at the skate park yesterday, he’s always going on about how much better at skating than everyone else but he was pretty shit.

person 2: Yeah I know him, what a weezer!
by November 14, 2019
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When you turn a screenshot of someone and turn it into a Weezer album cover.
Adam: *sends pic of him in a blue shirt*

“Hey look at my new shirt i bought.”

Adam’s boyfriend: *screenshots, weezers Adam, and sends picture back*

“Yo you just got weezered!”
by I'mWeirderThenYouThink June 7, 2021
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A brilliant Nerd-Rock band fronted by Rivers Cuamo, who lives in an apartment with a chair and a microwave.
'By jove, this song 'Say it aint' so' is brilliant!'

'I whole heartedly agree Winthorpe'
by Citezen:Erased May 31, 2005
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Weezer are sort of a nerd rock band... but the thing is that they have created their own mixed genre with a bit of everything. Everything to do with the Weez should be based around Blue and Pinkerton, 2 of my favourite albums ever.
They did OK with their latest three albums, Green, Maladroit, and Make Believe but have evidently deteirated over time.
I like their early lyrics and melodies... and the best song is probably... eughh... no, I can't decide.
Weezer pwn yoose. OK?
by Rincewind_SW July 21, 2005
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