A premise or hypothesis that nobody understands, yet it is complex or ridiculous enough that nobody is willing to admit that they don't understand.
Other things have been called washing machine theories, but a washing machine theory is just a catch-all. A way to sound like you know what you're talking about.
Sarah Palin's plan to save the economy? Obamacare? Why does everything sound like a washing machine theory?
by Gern B. Blanston March 31, 2011
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This is the act of placing one's penis into the female's anal cavity and then proceeding to take your penis (which is then covered in the female's feces) out of the female's anus and then placing it into her mouth and giving it a cheeky twirl.
Boy: "Yo bitch, you want dat dirty washing machine don't ya?"
Girl: "Oh hell yeah you dirty cunt"
by Big Cam April 28, 2017
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When a woman is riding you cowgirl & she changes from a rhythmic up down back forward motion to one that attempts to reach all the angles in the known universe at once
I finally got that chick from my court mandated alcohol therapy class naked last night. Everything was amazing until she gave me the Washing Machine Dick. I'm going to need Alexander to get my dick out of this Gordian Knot!
by Demon of Nature June 11, 2017
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When you hire a Serbian prostitute and when you start fucking her start spinning her around at and extremely rapid pace in a motion like a washing machine.
Come her blyat I'mma make you a fucking Serbian washing machine.
by bathtub69 March 10, 2020
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When one covers there penis is guacamole and anally inserts their penis into the woman
Person 1: Yo man i gave this bitch a mexican washing machine!
Person 2: Did she scream?
by GingerToothbrush February 28, 2015
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when a washing machine self destructs while spinning
Are you doing washing machine fail?
by Billiam Beaver October 5, 2016
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