Semi popular school girls that are always petty and sarcastic and antagonise everyone around them. They are usually ignorant and loud. They also have the worst ear shattering voices and laughs.
Sydney Grayson wouldn't stop gossiping about me and my girlfriend. She is such a Vulture.
by DipinDots February 13, 2016
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A sexual act involving two people. One, who is shorter than the other to the point where they can't go down on the other, but is too tall to "go up" on them, so they crane their neck down like a vulture to perform oral sex.
"My girlfriend was too short to go down on me, but she gave me an amazing Vulture."
by Bob Bobinson. February 20, 2018
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(n.) A woman who has abnormally large and droopy labia.
"Did you see the girl on pornhub's #1 vid today? She had a vulture!"
by Noodles316 October 20, 2009
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A person who tries to steal your Halloween candy.
vulture: (tries to steal my Halloween candy)
Me: (kicks vulture) "Fuck off!"
by Dubiks October 31, 2018
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When you're doing a girl from behind and you reach around and put your fingers in her nose and pull back... and she makes the sound of a vulture, "eeeeaaaaaahhhh!!!"
I gave my girlfriend the vulture last night. She dumped me. But it was hilarious when I did it!
by expert of the vulture November 6, 2008
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Vul"tur*ism (?), n.

1.Definition of Vulturism, The quality or state of being like a vulture; rapaciousness.

2.Definition of Vulturism, Being under handed and putting ones desires before that of a friend.
Example of Vulturism...

"He's such a Vulture! Always trying to jump on mates birds!"

"You've just been demoted to Vulture status for such a heinous betrayal"
by Acio December 17, 2006
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to be utterly mentally broken by an opponent's aura or quality, or even by external factors (specifically in a game of tennis)
I wasn't surprised that he lost, I saw he was vultured early on; he looked totally helpless!
by T-Rex and Indie April 21, 2011
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