Condition in which a portion of feces has passed just beyond the anal sphincter.

See also turtle head
Dude I have to shit so bad, i am having a turtle
by Andrew Lochhead May 21, 2005
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n. an uncircumcised penis; the head of the penis enclosed in the prepuce
The turtle came out of its shell while I was playing with it.
by Cristal December 10, 2003
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The act of a man's penis being extremely flaccid and no longer visible.
"My date turtled last night. It was like I was with a woman."
by AdaleighFaith December 30, 2016
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Unofficial term for the compressor in an air-conditioning system or refrigerator/freezer. Resembles a turtle, usually black and has 4 mounts that resemble legs.
Its hot as hell in here...the repair guy said the turtle overheated and seized up again...
by DieselFag April 17, 2010
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That feeling when you have to shit and you can feel it in your ass
Me: dude I'm gunna shit myself
Friend: is it turtle turtle
Me: yeah :'(
by Warmcucumber October 3, 2014
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The act of the male penis shrinking in horror and retreating into the abdomen whenever danger is present or a very unpleasant, anti-arousing thought is experienced. Much the same way a turtle retracts it's head into it's shell when faced with danger.
The thought of Brandy nekkid makes me turtle up big time.
by 03Mach1 August 25, 2005
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This term came about through a very popular cartoon of a helmet topping off a pair of boots to signify the veteran with just a short time left in his enlistment and keeping a REALLY low profile, turtle-like, trying to make it out alive. Among VietNam and older veterans a challenge term by which infantrymen recognized each other.

When a veteran infantryman would meet another veteran, the question would be asked: "Are you a turtle?". To which the challenged veteran would have to either reply "You bet your sweet ass I am!" or have to buy the challenging veteran a drink.
Army veteran: "Are you a turtle?"

Marine veteran: "You bet your sweet ass I am".
by 19D4L August 23, 2012
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