when a chick is really horny and is getting close to orgasiming
Oh yeah she is getting moist i can tell my the smell in the air and the look on her face
by BIG HAIRY COCK July 23, 2008
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The collective noun for a group of yummies.

See also yummy.
You sould have been in there, wall-to-wall Yummies !

At least three moists !
by Cutaway May 23, 2005
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A particular state of mind, where one reaches a state of inner moisture. It may or may not be drug/alcohol enduced. A general feeling of well-being.
Moist understanding.

A wetness gripped me by the balls. (Metaphor)

"im feelin pretty moist right now"

"dude, your moist as"

"so, moist"
by sketi April 26, 2009
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Slightly wet some may even say....... damp
Ew after practice my foot is so moist
by Moist buddy's April 2, 2017
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A paradoxical word meaning someone or something really awesome, or someone or something foul, funky and disgusting.
1.Dude she need to stay away from that guy hes hella moist!
2. You try that awesome salsa that shit is wicked moist!
by Mtg187 March 15, 2017
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An amazing word that can be used to describe anything. The real definition means humid or damp but really it's so much more. You can put moist in almost any sentence you can think of.
by Moist420 April 29, 2019
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To call someone “Moist” means to call them a:
M- Modestly
O- Outspoken
I- Intellectual
S- Sublime
T- Terrestrial
Basically, the word “Moist” can also refer to being unique or weird in a good way.
Emma: I love Hedgehogs and rain!
Axcel: Dude, my hands are so wrinkly
Ryuichi: I cry myself to sleep but I still love her...
Gabe: Yo, you guys are Moist ya know, but I love you guys!
by Gabbbe.yaknow February 25, 2019
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