v. to dip your nuts in someone's face or perferably mouth
i teabagged reggie's face down in corpus
by buiman May 11, 2005
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Dropping someones nuts into someones mouth.
by Sias February 9, 2005
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An act, usually performed by a male, characterized by the placement of one's scrotum into the mouth of another. Originally coined by angry American colonists who, in response to the unforgiving Tea Act of 1773, retaliated by boarding British ships in the Boston Harbor dressed as Native Americans (see Indians) and proceeded to dip their scrotums into the mouths of British seamen. Because this embarrassing act resembled the brewing of tea and was coupled with the British fondness for fine tea, colonists began to name this act "teabagging."

By the late nineteenth century, hostilities with Great Britain had diminished in America. Since the founding of America, teabagging has remained a strong humiliation and has only grown more popular. At the Geneva Convention of 1949, British diplomats appealed to change the name of this event from "The Boston Teabag Party" to "The Boston Tea Party," removing all negative associations to the now pariah act of teabagging.
Navajo Chief: We accept your peace offering, Washington. In return, the spirits will grant you a swift victory over the British. We will now demonstrate the ancient technique of teabagging.
George Washington: Astounding teabagging, gentlemen. The Redcoats will surely repeal these taxes on our tea!
by James Declanio March 20, 2010
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To crouch one someone's body after you kill them in a game (usually halo). To but your sack into someone's mouth. A porous pouch containing enough tea for one serving.
That red team bastard teabagged me! Don't cry if you get neutered teabagging someone. Pass me the irish breakfast teabag please.
by Cogitator August 9, 2008
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Used by lazy people in the process of making a cup of tea. A fibourous and semi permeable piece of paper containing tea leaves, which, incidentally are very small and inferior when compared to loose leaf tea. Those wishing to enjoy the best flavour of tea ought not use teabags, rather the more appropriate brewing vessel called a tea pot. Usually add about 1 teaspoon per person then one extra, and pour on hot water, and allow to brew for 3-4 minutes. Teabags produce an inferior cup of tea, and interestingly enough, some claim that they can taste the residual flavours of the paper in the tea.
What on earth do you want teabags for chaps? A much better cup of tea is obtained from using tea leaves in a teapot.
by opinionated_bastard July 4, 2006
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a bag full of tea, what you make tea out of
jimmy dipped his teabag in his grandmothers cup of hot watter and made tea
by Towelie March 14, 2005
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The act of a male placing his scrotum on the forehead or face of another person in order to create sexual humiliation and to assert dominance over another. Typically occurs after a black guy whupps a white guys ass in a street fight.
Jarvis is teabagging Zach after he whupped is ass in a street fight. Zach is now Jarvis's property.
by The Holy Diving Troll January 5, 2014
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