The act of going from cowgirl to reverse cowgirl without breaking penetration
I swivel dicked Henry so hard last night!
by OG SWIVEL DICK January 15, 2016
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A man with long, greasy hair, green teeth, baggy pinstripe trousers with braces and white plimmies. He sneaks around on farmland waiting for a cow to drop a pat. Slavering with excitement he drops his pants and swivels his bare arse on the still-warm bovine pancake whilst making high-pitched mooing sounds.
Its amazing how many methanical pancake swivellers you see on a sunny day.
by Clagbo July 19, 2006
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When a girl gives exceptionally good oral sex.
Damn, she touchin places i didn't know existed. She must got that Swiffer Swivel Sweeper or somethin!
by uhgoiajoijdfaoi September 25, 2009
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A variation of the Spit Roast. Whilst one person is servicing 2 partners from both ends, the partners then, in sync with each other, spin the servicing member without removing themselves from said member. Best done when the fishing is slow on a boat, preferably with a woman under 110lbs.
Thank God we had Cindy on board. The fishing sucked but we were able to rig up The 3-way swivel. She got sea sick afterwards but it doesn’t matter because we got ours.
by Swivel mi timbers October 7, 2018
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Another name for the Civil Air Patrol. While this name may sound like we don't do much, we actually do alot. The swivel chair just helps us do it in the quickest possible way.
Cadet: Why are we call the Swivel Chair Patrol?

Senior Member: Because we do more than the Boy Scouts and JROTC combined.
by CadetKid November 20, 2009
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To be alert, or just be watching around you
Guy1: Cops is lurking, keep your head on a swivel
Guy2: Aight g, you too
by TexasMadeCuzzo December 8, 2016
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When one has to turn around and vomit in the toilet immediately after or in the middle of shitting in the toilet
I was so hungover I had to perform a Devil’s Swivel
by McEllen October 25, 2023
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