apperance ,style ,or the way he or she presents them selves.
by MIKE fresh August 1, 2006
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Definition: Swagful. pronuciation :- see-wag-ful. adjective:
1.) to have swagger; having qualities of a tasteful nature or satisfaction to see, a form of stylish attraction.
1.) you look very swagful.
2.)them jeans are Swagful.
by Henley 'very-swagful' Beckford December 30, 2009
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Acronym for Secretly We Are Gay
That guy is Swag
Yeah I know he needs help out of the closet
by capitol sin November 20, 2011
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An acronym for Secretly We Are Gay because the word swag is the stupidest thing to be created by humans.
Group: SWAG!!
Guy: So you're all gay?
Group: NO!
Guy: Well obviously you are because you just said "Secretly We Are Gay" even though it's not a secret anymore.
by Codepoke December 1, 2012
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An overused word to describe one's self as being "cool" in presented appearance such as clothing or other things.

Generally used by douche-bags, faggots, and wannabes.

On facebook, its usually used as a middle name such as Bill "Swagmeister" Bob.

Used as a noun
"I got some swag" or "Swag"
by JCGinger October 24, 2011
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A way insipid, vulgar, idiots present themselves. Summarized as the opposite of class.
"I Gott Swag Likee A Boss, Niqqa!"

An illiterate dumbass with his pants around his knees, and wearing a backwards pointing snapback who tends to listen to Lil Wayne, T.I. Chris Brown, and Drake.
by LOLZname July 15, 2012
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Having "swag" means to look, act, and think like a total fucking retard. Giving ones self more confidence.
That kid says he has Swag, he doesn't know it makes him sound like a total fucking idiot.
by RugbyPlayer1111 February 3, 2012
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