A spook is a type of person that rids a place from monsters like boggarts, ghosts, witches, and more. This paranormal person keeps people safe and help the dead pass to the other side. This profession is from my favorite series: The Last Apprentice.
The spook carried a staff and dressed in a tall black cloak that masked the wearer’s face.
by Redonkulous Definitions November 4, 2021
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Originally referring to a CIA spy but has come to refer to anyone in the Law Enforcement business. Anyone who shadows someone is a spook.

1. Police officers, security guards, airport/border customs officers, private investigators, insurance fraud investigators, debt collectors, repo men, neighbourhood patrollers, etc.
2. snitches and informers.
Spooky the spook is a paid informer.”

“That same spook is following me around again.”
by logic000 June 29, 2012
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1. A word that best describes a suspicious character usually associated with black americans. Undercover cop.
2. Verb; to scare or to be scared.
1. He couldn't even look me in the eyes cause that nigga is a spook.
2. Damn, I was spooked watching Hellraiser on shrooms!
by lyphsized January 30, 2008
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codeword also used by closet racists in the uk to deorgratize black people
ooo look at the spook
by slickslack July 28, 2005
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1/ Australian slang for a creepy person who seems a bit left of Centre, lurks about and appears spontaneously. Normally nice guys who get perceived as weird or different

2/ An undercover police officer or agent
1/ person one: 'that Michael guy dropped into the bar on his own.again the other night.'

Person two: 'yeah that bloke is a fair spook.'

2/ hide the drugs there are spooks evrywhere
by Joshyrockstar July 3, 2015
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A spy or someone who works for an intelligence agency
I just don't think we should let them "elect" an actual spook to be President of the United States.
by runvnc February 10, 2020
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A supposed “slur” made by content creator LowTierGod made to describe African-American or Jamaican people.
Get out of here you Spook”
by pyramids90210 December 30, 2022
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