3 definitions by logic000

An expletive usually expressing disbelief or exasperation. It is the opposite to that of a Christian person saying ‘Christ on the cross.’ Somewhat akin to saying ‘Shit on a stick.’
“Christ on a fucking crutch, will you shut up and give me a break?!”

With a sigh and a shake of the head: “Christ on a crutch, I can’t believe how stupid this is.”
by logic000 July 4, 2012
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Originally referring to a CIA spy but has come to refer to anyone in the Law Enforcement business. Anyone who shadows someone is a spook.

1. Police officers, security guards, airport/border customs officers, private investigators, insurance fraud investigators, debt collectors, repo men, neighbourhood patrollers, etc.
2. snitches and informers.
Spooky the spook is a paid informer.”

“That same spook is following me around again.”
by logic000 June 29, 2012
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A cop.

1. A police officer is a cop
2. A cop is also referred to as a copper
3. A penny is made out of copper
“PENNNNNNIES!!! Yo, pennies coming this way!”

A penny ain’t worth a dime.”
by logic000 June 29, 2012
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